
The IRIHS (Humanities and Social Sciences Research Institute) is the University of Rouen’s (FED 4137) Humanities and Social Sciences (SHS) research federation.  The goal of the IRIHS is to promote and develop interdisciplinary activities in humanities and social sciences and to build the University of Rouen’s SHS domain around a shared interdisciplinary culture and science project.
 Within the University of Rouen the IRIHS focuses on four principal areas that match the four education and research units namely:

The IRIHS caters for four Normandy graduate schools:

 The IRIHS aims to organise the University of Rouen’s twelve diversified SHS laboratories around an integrative scientific project that highlights the IRIHS across the regional, national, and international science landscapes.
CUREJ: Rouen University Center for Legal Studies
CREAM: Center for Research in Applied Economics Globalisation
NIMEC: Normandy Innovation-Market-Firm-Consumption
CETAPS: Center for the study of Sports and Physical Activities
GRHiS: Research Group on History
ERIAC: Research Team on Identities, Affects and Conflicts
CEREdI: Research Center on Editing and Interpreting
DYLIS: In Situ Social Dynamics
UMR IDEES Rouen: Space, the Environment and Society Identification and Differentiation
CIRNEF: Normandy Interdisciplinary Education and Training Research Centre
CRFDP: Research Centre in Psychological Functioning and Dysfunction
DySoLab: Social Dynamics Laboratory

IRIHS Goals and Missions

The IRIHS’s primary mission is to federate the University of Rouen’s diverse SHS laboratories around an integrative scientific project that highlights the IRIHS across the regional, national, and international landscapes. This means drawing on both the Institute’s own infrastructure and budget resources as well as on external financing sources so the various laboratories can strengthen their interdisciplinary culture and promote their work.

Developing national research networks
The currently available avenues for research funding via public and private agencies and structures mean that supplementary finance is necessary outside of what the IRIHS own budget can provide (ANR – the French National Research Agency, calls for specific themed research projects, etc.).
The IRIHS encourages and supports educator-researchers to participate in calls for projects across all domains

Raising the international profile.
 Together with the relevant University of Rouen (URN) departments, the IRIHS encourages international research e.g. European Commission project tenders, researcher mobility and so on, by way of scholarships and mobility programmes currently in place.
The IRIHS also focuses on raising the international profile of its researchers’ scientific work by financing their translation into various languages (publications, articles).

Strengthening institutional partnerships
Research projects have enabled the IRIHS to consolidate and extend relationships with local cultural and social-economic partners, including libraries, museums, ANRU (the National Urban Regeneration Agency), urban agencies, local authorities, the Pôle Emploi (the national employment agency), DIRECCTE (the regional business, competition, consumer, employment agency), ARACT (the regional association for improving employment conditions), the Rectorat de Rouen (Rouen education authority), the Inspection académique (education inspectorate), ARS (Normandy regional health agency), CHU de Rouen (Rouen university hospitals), several associations, the DRDF (Normandy regional female rights), HF 76, and so on.

Project development support
Thanks to the partnership network the IRIHS has developed over time, access is available to a wealth of renowned technical and financial experience relating to the whole project landscape including recognition.
Together with services support from the URN, the IRIHS:

  • provides researchers with various tools including cross-discipline themed seminars,
  • mobilises scientific interest groups (e.g. Institut des Amériques – the Americas Institute, Institut du genre – the Gender Institute),
  • conducts project feasibility studies (guidelines, potential funding resources – the ANR, RIN – Normandy Interest Group Networks, monitoring of  calls for projects),
  • provides organizational assistance (partnership budgets, building case files, and so on),

Sharing technical resources
The IRIHS provides researchers with a digital resources centre as well as several training opportunities.

Spreading a scientific culture
The IRIHS offers its educator-researchers and SHS (Humanities and Social Sciences) doctoral students several avenues for knowledge dissemination, including the Fête de la science (Science Festival), the Rendez-vous de la Cervelle (The Brainpower Meeting), conferences for the general public, and so on.

The IRIHS provides financial support for seminars, publications, translation, research projects etc., not forgetting its own calls for projects.

The IRIHS' board sets out how funding should be attributed based on case file examinations.

IRIHS' board

  • Designate heads responsible for each research theme (Director proposes nominations) that ensure a balance between the various social and humanities sciences’ domains. Mandates end when the Director’s mandate expires;
  • Put forward names to the University President for membership of the Scientific Committee;
  • Provide information on IRIHS resources and ensure monitoring of actions undertaken;
  • Managing IRIHS calls for project in conjunction with the Scientific Committee and research theme heads;
  • Nominate IRIHS representatives within the research networks, competitiveness clusters, and so on;
  • Provide feedback and opinion on the IRIHS annual report;

The board runs for a five-year term starting from the date each five-year development contract commences.

Our premises

Our premises are open and:

  • cater for the day-to-day operations of the IRIHS including staff offices and a casual socialising space…
  • specific dedicated areas to welcome temporary and contract staff, post-doctoral professionals, guest researchers etc.
  • provide shared equipment services including a video-conference room, an IT room, a resources space…
  • offer laboratories a number of various over-arching services including a thesis room, meeting rooms for project teams, a reception room…

The IRIHS rooms are open to the public from Monday to Friday (09.00 hr. – 12.00 hr. and 14.00 hr. – 16.00 hr.)
Reservations are needed for access outside of these hours.




Katia Rovira, Professeure des universités en psychologie



Franck Bailly, Maître de conférences en économie

Responsable administrative et financière

Isabelle Mulot

Gestionnaire administratif et financier

Raphaël Cambon


Yamina Bensaadoune : animation scientifique, détection de projets, communication et diffusion des savoirs

Raphaëlle Krummeich : partenariats, détection de projets et humanités numériques

Développement numérique

Thibaut Guichard : ingénieur d'études et de développement informatique.

Pour joindre tout le service : irihs[at]