IRIHS’s financial division works closely with the DRV to manage research units, project owners, and research budgets (formulating order forms, employment contracts, mission orders, invoice payments…).
The IRIHS also assists in building research budgets and providing information on the appropriate administrative steps. It establishes financial dashboards that prove to be indispensable for the daily monitoring of budget funds allocated to research projects.
The IRIHS sets up credit requests, (preliminary budgets, budget modification decisions (DBM-décision budgétaire modificative), internal funds transfer requests), manages the daily monitoring of every operational expense, and informs the project owners of any available credit.
Finally, the IRIHS treats all requests related to IRIHS supported operations and it offers support to educator-researchers so they can focus fully on their scientific work.
Raphaël Cambon, gestionnaire
Isabelle Mulot, responsable administrative et financière