HAL Normandie Université. A new portal for Normandy based researchers.

The HAL (Hyper Articles en Ligne- open archive) is part of a general move towards open access resources. This open archive for all academic fields accepts and disseminates scholarly documents. Free access is guaranteed for all members of the scientific community.

Dedicated to enhancing and recognising the scholarly work of Normandy’s researchers, HAL Normandie is an open archive depository where research articles from researchers members of the COMUE Normandy University establishments can be deposited, conserved, and diffused.
HAL Normandie aims to:

  • enhance the international profile of and international access to regional based articles
  • value and recognise the work of researchers, laboratories and establishments,
  • provide an opportunity for researchers to manage their library of work by way of publications listings and personal websites
  • guarantee public access to documents on a long-term basis
