GIS and Themed Research

The URN (Université de Rouen Normandie – Normandy University of Rouen) is a member of several GIS (Groupements d'Intérêt Scientifique- Scientific Interest Groups). The IRIHS is actively involved with SHS specific GIS units:
GIS IdA (Institut des Amériques- the Americas Institute): the IRIHS publishes relevant information, calls to project, requests for support as part of scientific demonstrations, and so on…



GIS IdG (Institut du Genre- the Gender Institute): the IRIHS is the correspondent unit for the Gender topic. It participates during specific gender meetings and co-ordinates responses to project tenders, as well as publishing gender relevant information.


GIS CIST (Collège international des sciences du territoire- International College of Sciences and Territory Institute): in particular the IRHS is supporting the 4th international CIST conference to be held in Rouen on 22 and 23 March 2018, entitled ‘Représenter les territoires’ (Representing territories)


In addition, the IRIHS is part of the CNRS MATE-SHS research network  and actively supports the MATE-SHS Normandy research network, through assistance on the national network days held in November 2017, annual seminars etc.

