UMR CNRS IDEES (a mixed research unit associated with the French National Centre for Scientific Research: Areas and Societies their Identities and Differences) is a team spanning several locations and disciplines and comprises primarily geographers. With locations in the Normandy region (Le Havre, Rouen, Caen) the unit excels in:
- international oriented research on flagship topics (modeling and spatial geosimulation; transport-mobility; health-risks; ICT and development; metropolises and global reconfiguation).
- transfer of research (concepts and methods) on complexity science (geosimulation platforms and geographic information systems) including a collection of addresses by stakeholders and experts in an attempt to respond to social requirements as regards the research unit’s key themes.
- stimulating social science research across both Upper and Lower Normandy, in line with recent institutional changes which confirm the key role of the UMR IDEES research unit for the region in terms of research, expertise, treating over-arching concerns and regional issues.

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