Ways of enhancing your research profile

Your research work and your scientific expertise can be enhanced and recognized in a number of different ways and the IRIHS along with the DRV (Direction of Research and Valorisation) can support you throughout the process:

  • Various broadcast media to access the general public: actions that popularize the science – publications, conferences, seminars, debates and so on;
  • Knowledge transfer via initial and continuous education for students, young researchers and professionals;
  • Partnerships with socio-economic and cultural actors both public and private via expert scientific research collaboration work, knowledge and know-how services carried out and provided by your laboratory etc;
  • Intellectual protection for your own work (patenting and software registration) with a view to transitioning to various socio-economic fora (licensing agreements etc.).

Pôle Recherche Valorisation Études doctorales de l'URN

Normandie valorisation, Normandie Université

Salon Innovatives SHS

Seinari, incubateur d'entreprise